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Technical measures after low temperature freezing damage

2022-02-17  |   Editor : houxue2018  
Category : Technology

In winter and early spring, when the snow is about to melt, wheat is susceptible to low-temperature freezing damage (winter freezing damage, late spring cold), and winter freezing damage has a greater impact on yield than late spring cold.

1.Field management measures for winter wheat before winter

(1) Topdressing nitrogen fertilizers in time to promote the growth of small tillers. For the first top dressing, apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer in time after thawing in the field, and apply 5-10kg/666.7m2 of urea manually. The second time in the jointing period of wheat, combined with watering and watering, jointing fertilizer was applied, and 10-15kg/666.7m2 urea was applied. Applying 15% triadimefon 100g/666.7m2 + carbendazim 150g/666.7m2 can promote the rapid growth of seedling regeneration, and can also prevent the spread of snow rot, snow mold and root rot.

(2) Generally, in frozen wheat fields, only the leaves are frozen and withered, and there is no dead tiller phenomenon. It should be hoeed in time in early spring to increase the ground temperature and promote the greening of the wheat seedlings. Topdressing and watering during the rising period can increase the tillering rate. Spraying brassin and potassium dihydrogen phosphate at the seedling stage, heading and flowering stage, and grain-filling stage can strengthen seedlings, enhance disease resistance, make plants grow robustly, and increase the number of effective panicles and thousand-grain weight.

2.Spring field management measures for spring wheat

(1) The growth of overgrown wheat fields can be moderately inhibited. The main measures are to spray Zhuangfengan, Chlormetrodin and other inhibitors for chemical control from the early spring rising period to the jointing period to improve the cold resistance of wheat.

(2) Irrigation to reduce the variation of ground temperature and increase soil temperature.3) Smoked. For local damage in a small area, the smoke screen after the burning of the grass can continue to increase the ground temperature. Generally, the temperature can be increased by 1 to 2 °C, which has the effect of reducing frost. However, special attention should be paid to safety to prevent fire and environmental pollution.

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