Lunar calendar (yang) calendar online conversion calculator

Category: Daily

The result of conversion of lunar calendar:

App description

The calculator, enter the specific date, you can find the date of the solar calendar, the date of the lunar calendar, the year of the branch, the zodiac and the season of the day, specific, convenient and fast.

Usage example

Select Date: October, 21; 2019.

Conversion results of lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar:

The result of conversion of lunar calendar:

Gregorian calendar date: October 21,2019.

Lunar calendar date: September23.003969907404098, Year 己 (2019).

years designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches: Day: 辛 卯, Month: 甲 戌, Year: 己.

Chinese Zodiac: Pig.

Chinese season: Autumn.



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