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Liechtenstein - Country basic information

National Emblem
National Emblem

Editor : houxue2018
Label :
Language : German
Founding Year : 1866
Introduction to the national emblem : The national emblem of Lichtenstein is in the form of a cloak. The crown of the Roman Empire is sacred, there are six groups of patterns on the shield: the eagle with a crown in the upper left corner is a symbol of Silesia; the upper right corner is the ornament of the crown, which symbolizes the Kueringer family; the red and white shield in the lower left corner symbolizes Tropao duchy; the eagle in the lower right corner is made up of a human face, symbolizing Terberg; the small shield in the center is composed of yellow and red, symbolizing the family of Lichtenstein; A golden horn is painted on the blue bottom of the small shield, symbolizing the kingdom of Hunter village. The national emblem records the historical process of the Duchy from generation to generation.

Brief Introduction

Principality of Liechtenstein (German: Fürstentum Liechtenstein) is a small inland country in Central Europe, it is between Switzerland and Austria, it is one of the only two dual inland countries in the world. Only about one third of the area in the west of the country lies in the flat River Valley, and the rest of the country belongs to mountainous areas. With a total land area of 160.5 square kilometers and a total population of 37129 (December 2013).

The territory of Lichtenstein was once part of the province of Raetia in the Roman Empire. In January 1719, Charles VI, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, merged Schellenberg manor with Vaduz county to form an independent small principality, which was named as Lichtenstein; From 1800 to 1815, during the Napoleonic War, the first empire of France and the Russian Empire invaded the country; in 1806, it became a sovereign state and gained independence in 1866. As the only country in the world whose official language is German, but has no border with Germany, it maintains a constitutional monarchy with no conventional army and its tariff is managed by Switzerland. Although the land is small and the population is sparse, it has a very high level of national income; in 2014, the country's GDP reached 6.388 billion US dollars. Stamp is a characteristic product of the country, and stamp industry is the pillar industry of the country.

In 2011, it was decided that the entire country would be allowed to rent at a rate of 40000 pounds (about 425000 yuan) per night. The country's temporary "owners" will be given a symbolic key at a parliamentary ceremony and then can use the land and even call on the local police.