Calcium and phosphorus product

Calcium and phosphorus product
Correction of calcium

App description

The unit of blood calcium and blood phosphorus is molar concentration (mol/L), the original unit is percent milligram (mg/dl), and the unit for calcium and phosphorus product is percent milligram, so you need to convert the molar concentration into percent milligram. The relationship between them is as follows. Calcium: 1mg/dl=0.25mmol/L, that's 1mmol/L=4mg/dl, phosphorus: 1mg/dl=0.3229mmol/L, that's 1mmol/L=3.1mg/dl. Normally, the product of the two (〔Ca〕×〔P〕)为30-40mg/dl. If >40, calcium and phosphorus are deposited in bone tissue in the form of bone salt; If it is less than 35, bone calcification is impaired and even bone salt dissolves.

Usage example

Calcium Phosphorus Product

Blood calcium concentration (mmol/L): 2 x blood phosphorus concentration (mmol/L): 3

Click "calculate" to output the result.

Result: 74.4


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