Calculation of sodium supplementation required by human body

Male Female

App description

The normal value of serum sodium was 135-145 mmol/L.

Calculation of trace elements needed by human body.

Usage example

Target blood sodium level(mmol/l): 140

Measurement of blood sodium value(mmol/l): 100

Weight(kg): 50

Sodium salt concentration(%): 3%

Gender: Male

Click "calculate" to output the result.

Results: normal saline was the best choice for intravenous sodium supplement. It is recommended to use 3-5% sodium chloride when replenishing hypertonic sodium salt, but it is dangerous. The estimated sodium deficiency was 1200 mmol. The required sodium chloride is 70 g. If 3% normal saline is used, it is 7776 ml. The above calculation is only an estimate. Usually, 1/3 of the dose (e.g. 2592 ml) is injected first, and then it is supplemented gradually according to the rise of blood NA.


This calculation result is only used as a reference value.


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