Adult (Body Mass Index) BMI self-test

BMI Calculator Instructions

It is a reference index for assessing the ratio of height to weight. It is calculated as: body weight (kg) divided by the height (m) squared (BMI = kg / m2)

The Body Mass Index, the body mass index, is a closely related indicator of total body fat, mainly reflecting systemic overweight and obesity. Because BMI calculates the proportion of body fat, it is more accurate to measure the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure due to overweight.

For example: a 52 kg person with a height of 155 cm, the BMI is:

52 (kg) / 1.552 (m 2 ) = 21.6

The normal weight range is BMI=18.5~24

Check out if your BMI is in the ideal range!

Body weight China reference standard Risk of related diseases
Thinner BMI index<18.5 Increase (related diseases: anemia, hematuria, etc.)
normal 18.5≤BMI index≤23.9 average level
Fatter 23.9 Increase (related diseases: hypertension, heart disease, etc.)
Obesity 26.9 Moderate increase (related diseases: hypertension, heart disease, etc.)
Severe obesity 29.9 Serious increase (related diseases: hypertension, heart disease, etc.)
Body mass index(BMI)


BMI < 18.5


Normal range


Abnormal range
Mild obesity:27≦BMI<30
Moderate obesity:30≦BMI<35
Severe obesity:BMI≧35

Male:≧90 centimeters
Female :≧80centimeters


Not everyone applies BMI. If you are: BMI does not apply to you:

  1. under 18 years of age;
  2. Being an athlete;
  3. Doing weight training;
  4. pregnant or breastfeeding;
  5. An old man who is weak or sedentary.


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