Binary linear equation online solver

X + 
Y = 
X + 
Y = 

APP description

The equation already contains the binary variables of the unknown variables X and Y. The output values of the input values of the variables X and Y calculated by the calculator with respect to the coefficients of X and Y are known. In algebraic calculations, there are many cases in which an equation containing two unknown variables needs to be further solved in use. Therefore, when it comes to online computing, this binary one-time equation online calculator solution is an essential tool.

Binary one-time equation calculator formula

\(a1X + b1Y = c1\)

\(a2X + b2Y = c2\)


\(X=(c2b1 - c1b2)/(a2b1 - a1b2)\)

\(Y=(a1c2 - a2c1)/(b2a1 - a2b1)\)


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