Half-life online calculator

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Enter value and click on calculate. Result will be displayed.

App description

T1/2 = Half life

T = lost time

AmtB = initial value

AmtE = end value

Click on Calculate Time or Calculate Half-time or Calculate Beginning Amount or Calculate Ending Amount you wish to calculate.

The value of a time is reduced, and the half-life is the time required for the amount to decay to half of the initial value. The long-term half-life is 1907. Half of life is spent half the time of atomic decay of the sample.

The half-life is characteristic of the radioisotope. According to different isotopes, its half-life ranges from a few seconds to hundreds of millions of years.

The half-life of uranium is 713 million years. The half-life of uranium-238 is 4500 million years. There is even a radioisotope of carbon, carbon-14. The normal carbon is carbon-12. C-14 has two more neutrons with a half-life of 5730 years. The process by which scientists use carbon 14 is called carbon dating. The carbon dating method is very old when scientists try to measure the age of matter.

Half of life is independent of physical state (solid, liquid, gas) temperature, pressure, chemical compounds, nuclear found itself, and basically any other external influence. It is the chemical composition of an independent atomic surface and is independent of the ordinary physical factors of the outside world.

It can change half of life, the only direct interaction with the outside world, such as particles, and high energy collisions in the accelerator.

Usage example

Click on "Time Calculation", enter the value and click "Calculate" to display the result.

Input data: AmtB: 40; AmtE: 25; T1/2: 10

Click on "Calculate" and the result T: 6.7807


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