Concentration unit conversion_online calculation tool

Concentration Unit Conversion Calculator
per cent [ % ]
per mil [ ‰ ]
floz / gallon (UK)
floz / gallon (US)
cuin / cuft
cuin / cuyard
drops / gallon(UK)
drops / gallon(US)
drops / cuft
oz / pound
oz / ton(UK)
oz / ton(US)
parts / billion
mL / litre
mL / megalitre
mL / cumetre
drops / mL
drops / litre
drops / cumetre
milligrams / kg
grams / kg
grams / tonne
ppm = Percentile 'per mil' = A thousand to one

Concentration unit conversion calculator

Conversion formula for concentration units:

  1. When concentration = 1000.d mass percent concentration / E

  2. Percent by mass concentration = equivalent concentration E/1000.d

  3. Molar concentration = 1000.d mass percent concentration / M

  4. Mass percent concentration = mass - volume concentration (mg / liter) / 104.d

  5. Mass-volume concentration (mg/L) = 104 mass percent concentration

Ppm is the percentage of mass, ppm = mg / kg = mg / L ie: 1ppm = 1ppm = 1000ug / L


In the formula:

E - the gram equivalent of the solute;

d - the specific gravity of the solution;

M - the molar mass of the solute


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