Circular table volume and surface area online calculation tool

App description

A plane parallel to the bottom of the cone is used to cut the cone. The part between the bottom and the section is called a cone. Like the cylinder and cone, the cone also has shaft, bottom, side and generatrix. The letter of the cone axis is used to represent the cone. The bottom and section of the cone are the bottom of the circular table, the part between the section and the bottom of the cone is the side of the circular table, and the bus bar of the cone is the bus bar between the section and the bottom.

The axis of rotation is the straight line of the waist perpendicular to the bottom edge of the right trapezoid, and the geometry surrounded by the curved surface formed by the rotation of the other sides is called the cone. The axis of rotation is called the axis of the cone. The circular surface formed by the rotation of the upper and lower bottom of the right angled trapezoid is called the upper and lower bottom surfaces of the cone; the curved surface formed by the rotation of the other waist is called the side surface of the cone; the waist of the right angle trapezoid at various positions on the side is called the generatrix of the frustum, the length of the trapezoidal waist on the axis of the cone is called the height of the cone. The height of the cone is also the distance between the upper and lower bottom surfaces. A frustum can also be regarded as the part of a cone cut by two vertical planes of its axis, so it can also be called "truncated cone".

The calculation formula of the truncated cone:

Volume \(V=( 1 / 3 ) π h ( r1^2 + r2^2 + ( r1 * r2 ) ) \)

Tilt height \(S = √( ( r1 - r2 )^2 + h^2 ) \)

Outer area \(L = π ( r1 + r2 ) s\)

Top surface area \(T = π r1^2\)

Bottom surface area \(B = π r2^2\)

Total surface area \(A = π (r1^ + r2^2 + (r1 * r2) * s)\)

Usage example

Radius value of circular truncated cone (r1) = 4 m

Radius value of circular truncated cone (r2) = 6 m

Height of circular truncated cone (h) = 3 m

Click "calculate now" and output the result

Volume (V) = 238.8571 m3

Slope height (S) = 3.6056 m

Outer surface area (L) =113.3173 m2

Top surface area (T) = 50.2857 m2

Bottom surface area (B) = 113.1429 m2

Total surface area (A) = 276.7459 m2


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