Online calculation tool for geometric parameters of regular polygons

App description

The graphic above is a regular octagon

The outer blue circle is called the circumscribed circle. The circle is called the inscribed circle.

Angle EAB is an internal angle of a regular octagon

The angle EAF is an outer corner of the regular octagon which is equal to the central angle ACB

AC is the radius of the circumscribed circle

CD is the radius of the inscribed circle

Usage example

Input data:

Variables: 4

Side length: 4

Click "Calculate" to output data

The circumference of the polygon = 16

Internal angle EAB size = 90

Inner angle sum (SUM)=360

Outer angle EAF size = 90

Center angle ACB=90

External circle radius AC=2.8284

Inscribed circle radius CD=2

Area = 16


The number of sides must be greater than 3.


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