Intercept Linear Equation Online Calculator

App description

In simple terms, the intercept to x is the value of x when y=0, and the intercept of y is the value of y when x=0.

The intercept is the distance from the intersection of the line and the coordinate axis to the origin.

The x intercept is a, the y intercept b, and the intercept is:

x/a+y/b=1 (a≠0 and b≠0)

Note: the slope cannot exist or equal to 0.

Because when the slope does not exist, the line is perpendicular to the X axis, b=0,

When the slope is equal to 0, the line is parallel to the X axis, a=0.

Usage example

X-intercept (a): 5

Y-intercept (b): 2

Click "calculate" to output the result

Equation: 2x + 5Y = 10


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