Pydmore factor online calculation tool

App description

Pydmore factor calculation

Enter the value and click on "Calculate". Show results.

The rate at which the solid dissolves into the solution is the ratio of the solid surface remaining. Therefore, in order to obtain the solubility of the lead frit, a certain ratio of the specific surface area can be approximated as a standard method for measuring the solubility.

Tests have shown that for a given frit, the Gaudmore factor is considered a constant regardless of the fineness of the grinding. Therefore, it is an effective method for measuring the intrinsic solubility.

Calculation formula

\(Pademore factor=\frac {solubility × 100} {specific surface area}\)

Usage example

Input data: Solubility: 20; specific surface area: 10

Output: Pandmore factor: 200


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