Standard temperature and pressure online calculator

App description

Enter the value and click Calculate. The result will be displayed.

Standard temperature and pressure are defined as air at 0 ° C (273.15 K, 32 F) and 1 atmosphere (101.325 kN / m2, 101.325 kPa, 14.7 psia, 0 to 29.92, Hg, 760 torr, 33.95 ft. h2o, 407.2.wg, 2116.8 lbs. per square foot) Standard temperature and pressure, standard conditions for measuring the properties of a substance. The standard temperature is the freezing point of pure water. The pressure generated by the standard pressure of 0 C or 273.15 K (symbol Hg) is 760 mm high, usually 760 mm Hg. This is also called an atmospheric pressure

STP is often used to measure gas density and volume.

In chemistry and other sciences, STP or standard temperature and pressure are a set of standard experimental conditions that make comparisons between data sets.

Internationally, the current STP (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) defined by IUPAC is an absolute pressure of 100 kPa (1 bar) and a temperature of 273.15 K (0 ° C)

In the industrial and commercial fields, it is necessary to define the standard reference conditions for temperature and pressure when expressing gas volume or volume flow, gas volume and temperature and gas pressure changes.  

Usage example

Input data: volume: 100 Liters; temperature: 25 Kelvin; pressure: 120 Torr

Output data: volume in STP: 172.52; Moles at STP: 7.7016


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