Sine and arcsine trigonometric function online calculation

App description

Sine, a mathematical term, in a right triangle, the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse of any acute angle ∠A is called the sine of ∠A, which is denoted as Sina (from the abbreviation of the English word sine), that is, sin A = the opposite side/hypotenuse of ∠A.

In mathematics, inverse trigonometric functions (sometimes also known as arcus functions), inverse functions or circular functions are inverse functions of trigonometric functions (with appropriate restricted domain). Specifically, they are the inverse functions of sine, cosine, tangent, Cotangent, secant and auxiliary functions, and are used to obtain an angle from the trigonometric ratio of any angle. Inverse trigonometric functions are widely used in engineering, navigation, physics and geometry.

The anti sine function (one of the anti trigonometric functions) is the inverse function of the sine function y=sinx(x∈[-½π,½π]) and is denoted as y=arcsinx or siny=x(x∈[-1,1]).

Usage example

Enter the value: 5

Positive trigonometric function: click "calculate sin" to output the result

Degree: The sine 5 degrees (°)=0.087156

Radian: The sine 5 radian (Rad)=-0.95892

Number of digits: 5


The value entered is not distinguishable between angle and radians. There are two kinds of calculation results, corresponding to angle and radians.


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