Liquid unit online conversion tool

A barrel of oil made in the United States is equivalent to 42 Gallon 158.98386 liters. A barrel of beer in the United States is equivalent to 31.5 gallon 119 litre

App description

Liquid unit conversion: liquid volume unit conversion table - online conversion calculation.

Metric - Imperial


1 cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter = 0.0610 cubic inch (in3) cubic inch

1 cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter = 35.3 cubic foot(ft3) cubic feet

1 cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter = 0.765 cubic yard(yd3) cubic yard

1 cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter = 27.5 bushel(bus) bushel

Volume (liquid)

1 milliliter (ml) ml = 0.0352 fluid ounce(fl oz) liquid ounce

1 milliliter (ml) ml = 1.76 pint(pt) pint

1 litre(l) liter = 220 gallon(gal) gallon

Imperial - Metric


1 cubic inch (in3) cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter

1 cubic foot(ft3) cubic feet = 0.0283 cubic metre(m3) cubic meters

1 cubic yard(yd3)cubic yard = 0.765 (m3) cubic meter

1 bushel(bus) bushel = 0.34 (m3) cubic meter

Volume (liquid)

1 fluid ounce(fl oz) fluid ounce = 28.4 milliliter (m1) ml

1 pint(pt) pint = 568 milliliter (m1) ml

1 gallon(gal) gallon = 4.55 litre(l) liter


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