Online calculation webpage with sample mean and sample variance for interval estimation

Total X~N (μ,σ2), where μ is the population mean,σ2 is the population variance,σ is the population standard deviation,the sample size is n, the sample mean is x.After entering the values of n,x and σ below ,Click the 'Calculate' button to do the calculation:

Choose single or double population:
Interval estimation of a normal population
Interval estimation of two normal populations
Select the section estimation content:
Interval estimation of mean value by known Total Standard deviation
Interval estimation of mean value by unknown population Standard deviation
Interval estimation of variance and standard deviation

Choosing Confidence Probability:
Confidence probability 0.9(α=0.1)
Confidence probability 0.95(α=0.05)
Confidence probability 0.99(α=0.01)
Confidence probability 0.999(α=0.001)

App description

This webpage calculates the relevant interval estimates for the normal population of various cases (such as known variance and unknown variance) when the sample mean and sample variance have been calculated by other methods. When inputting the sample standard deviation or the known population standard deviation that has been calculated, it is also possible to add a letter q followed by a variance or a sample variance value. The overall standard deviation is represented by σ, and the sample standard deviation is represented by s.

Usage example

For example, choose single population or double population: interval estimation of a normal population; selection interval estimation content: known population standard deviation to estimate the mean value; select confidence probability: confidence probability 0.95 (α=0.05) n=100,x=10,σ=5

Calculation results:

Bilateral confidence interval:

With a confidence probability of 0.95 affirmation μ falls in the interval (9.02002, 10.98)

Unilateral confidence limit:

With a confidence probability of 0.95, the positive μ is greater than 9.17757

One-sided confidence limit:

With a confidence probability of 0.95, the μ is less than 10.8224  


1.Choose single or double overall

2.Select interval estimation content

3.Select the confidence probability

After entering the values below, click the "Start Calculation" button to calculate


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